Sales Order Sync

Background Job

Every hour, a background task runs that performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieve a list of WooCommerce Orders that have been modified since the Last Syncronisation Date (on WooCommerce Integration Settings)
  2. Retrieve a list of ERPNext Sales Orders that are already linked to the WooCommerce Orders from Step 1
  3. Retrieve a list of ERPNext Sales Orders that have been modified since the Last Syncronisation Date (on WooCommerce Integration Settings)
  4. If necessary, retrieve a list of WooCommerce Orders that are already linked to the ERPNext Sales Orders from Step 3
  5. Compare each WooCommerce Order with its ERPNext Sales Orders counterpart, creating an order if it doesn't exist


  • Every time a Sales Order is submitted, a synchronisation will take place for the Sales Order if:
    • A valid WooCommerce Server and WooCommerce ID is specified on Sales Order

In order to make this work you need to configure the webhook in both, ERPNext and WooCommerce:

  1. From ERPNext you need to get the access keys from the Woocommerce server configuration, in the WooCommerce Webhook Settings.
  2. Create the webhook inside WooCommerce using the "Order created" topic and the rest of the data obtained on step 1.

Manual Trigger

  • Sales Order Synchronisation can also be triggered from an Sales Order, by changing the field WooCommerce Status
  • Sales Order Synchronisation can also be triggered from an Sales Order, by clicking on Actions > Sync this Item with WooCommerce
  • Sales Order Synchronisation can also be triggered from a WooCommerce Order, by clicking on Actions > Sync this Order with ERPNext

Background Job

Every hour, a background task runs that performs the following steps:

  1. Retrieve a list of WooCommerce Orders that have been modified since the Last Syncronisation Date (on WooCommerce Integration Settings)
  2. Compare each WooCommerce Order with its ERPNext Sales Order counterpart, creating a Sales Order if it doesn't exist or updating the relevant Sales Order

Synchronisation Logic

When comparing a WooCommerce Order with it's counterpart ERPNext Sales Order, the date_modified field on WooCommerce Order is compared with the modified field of ERPNext Sales Order. The last modified document will be used as master when syncronising

Fields Mapping

billingAddress with type BillingChecks if the email field matches an existing Customer's woocommerce_email field. If not, a new Customer is created.
shippingAdress with type Shipping
line_itemsItemChecks if a linked Item exists, else a new Item is created
idSales Order > Customer's Purchase Order
Sales Order > Woocommerce ID
currencySales Order > Currency


  • You can look at the list of WooCommerce Orders from within ERPNext by opening the WooCommerce Order doctype. This is a Virtual DocType that interacts directly with your WooCommerce site's API interface
  • Any errors during this process can be found under Error Log.
  • You can also check the Scheduled Job Log for the sync_sales_orders.run_sales_orders_sync Scheduled Job.
  • A history of all API calls made to your Wordpress Site can be found under WooCommerce Request Log