Sync Item Stock Levels from ERPNext to WooCommerce

Sync item stock level

Background Job

If Stock Level Sync is enabled, every day, a background task runs that performs the following steps:

  1. Get all enabled items
  2. For every WooCommerce-linked item, sum all quantities from all warehouses and round the total down (WooCommerce API doesn't accept float values)
  3. For every item post the new stock level to WooCommerce


If Stock Level Sync is enabled, a stock level API post will be made when the following documents are submitted or cancelled:

  • Stock Entry
  • Stock Reconciliation
  • Sales Invoice
  • Delivery Note

Manual Trigger

Stock Level Synchronisation can also be triggered from an Item, by clicking on Actions > Sync this Item's Stock Levels to WooCommerce


  • You can look at the list of WooCommerce Products from within ERPNext by opening the WooCommerce Product doctype. This is a Virtual DocType that interacts directly with your WooCommerce site's API interface
  • Any errors during this process can be found under Error Log.
  • You can also check the Scheduled Job Log for the stock_update.update_stock_levels_for_all_enabled_items_in_background Scheduled Job.
  • A history of all API calls made to your Wordpress Site can be found under WooCommerce Request Log